- Age Mark: 7+
- Brick Type: LEGO Brick
- Piece count: 280
WeDo2.0課程,通過教授學生相關的概念,可以讓其輕鬆理解機器人控制原理。WeDo2.0套裝是學生可以在電腦上直接編程和連線控制機器人的一款簡單入門的新套裝。WeDo2.0套裝是LEGO education系列下的產品線之一,包括了280個積木組件,1個運動傳感器、1個位移傳感器及1個馬達。
全新的WeDo 2.0智能機器人套件,可以幫助兒童用來學習初級的代碼知識。據悉,WeDo 2.0共由280塊樂高積木組成,可以通過自由定制的形式幫助兒童學習工程、科學和代碼領域的基礎知識。比如孩子們可以通過WeDo 2.0來搭建可愛的Milo獨眼機器人,並且通過特殊的代碼施加跟隨指令。另外,機器人還可以在行動的過程中在屏幕上顯示正在執行的代碼,而一旦代碼出現錯誤,在App上就會出現提示,可以隨時進行修補。而Milo機器只是WeDo 2.0套件應用的一種形式,更多的形式還有待家長和孩子們發揮自己的想象力。
除了孩子之外,WeDo 2.0也非常適合教育工作者,幫助大家培養下一代對於科學、工程等領域的興趣。在WeDo 2.0套件中,我們可以根據說明書組件不同的形式,不管是青蛙還是火星車,都可以抓住孩子的興趣。
Designed for second through fourth grade elementary classrooms, the WeDo 2.0 Core Set, Software, and Get Started Project is a hands-on solution that ignites students’ curiosity, while enhancing their skills in science, engineering, technology, and coding.
WeDo 2.0 uses the latest Bluetooth Low Energy technology. Not all devices are compatible. For a list of compatible devices, please see Software Requirements.
Add the WeDo 2.0 Curriculum Pack to the Core Sets for the complete WeDo 2.0 solution.
Every WeDo 2.0 Core Set is delivered in a sturdy, plastic storage bin that comes with a sorting tray and contains:
The WeDo 2.0 Core Set contains all of the building elements required to build the Get Started Project, along with the base and design library models featured in the WeDo 2.0 Curriculum Pack.
Two students share one core set to boost collaboration skills.
The WeDo 2.0 Core Set, Software and Get Started Project gives you access to a single project divided in to four parts that teaches the basic functions of the WeDo 2.0 platform.
The project offers approximately 2 hours of classroom content and includes building instructions for Milo the science rover, how to add on a motion sensor and tilt sensor, and how to connect Milo to another rover.
It is recommended that you complete the four parts of the project in a single sequence. The Get Started Project has not been correlated to Next Generation Science Standards*.
The WeDo 2.0 software provides an excellent platform for science learning, offering an innovative way for students to model reality, conduct investigations, and use design skills.
Programming is an important part of 21st century learning. The WeDo 2.0 software teaches programming in an intuitive way – letting students bring their creations to life while sharpening computational thinking skills like logical reasoning, pattern recognition, and modeling simulations. The software also features a colorful drag and drop interface that is easy for students to use and understand.
The WeDo 2.0 software lets you:
For a list of compatible devices, please see Software Requirements.